Monday 19 August 2013

Chocolate Avocado Tart

This last week I have had a couple of friends return home from the wonderland that is Byron Bay. Every trip I take there is blissful and full of magic. I am always so impressed by the community’s love and appreciation for wholesome, nutritious food and how quick and easy it is to enjoy a meal outside of my own kitchen without compromising my abstracted food fantasy. Being the health conscious irritant that I am, at home I find it quite difficult to eat out at snatch and grab lunch spots (there’s only so much sushi and salad you can handle!), however in Byron, the options are vast and varied. One of my absolute favourite places to eat is the forever full of life, ‘Orgasmic’. Here they make the most incredible freshly baked pita pockets filled with goodness. Falafels, spiced tender chicken or, I’d have to say the best beef kofte I’ve ever eaten are just some of the fillings to choose from. The selection of condiments and salad make for the whole experience so please don’t be fussy and get everything you can! 

If you appreciate the good food rhythm that Byron moves to, swing by Bellingen on your way home, just as we did. It has to be of the most beautiful little towns I’ve seen, also with the fantastic ideology that food is best grown and produced locally by sustainable and ethical means. If you are ever lucky enough to grace this attractive little town, please stop into No. 5 Church Street, a space where they believe “their food is a vehicle to express how they feel” and wholeheartedly promote the growth of the local community by using local, organic and bio-dynamic produce. They also have live music and other social community events to enjoy while you embrace their incredible food philosophy so check their website,, for more information. 

The last time I was there, the waitress (who is also the owner, which I love!), encouraged me to try the chocolate tart – her very own recipe. How could I say no? Usually a chocolate tart is not something I would order off a menu, but when the dish arrived, it was spectacular! Served with homemade vanilla gelato and berry sauce, this chocolate tart was the best of all chocolate tarts I had eaten. After offering much acclaim to its utter lusciousness, I was informed that its primary ingredient was in fact avocado and all other ingredients absolutely raw! Not really one for buttery pastry or creamy fillings, this recipe was incredible and something I must try recreate at home.

Indulging in reminiscence and missing my last roadie adventure, I set task to recreating this memorable tart.  Here is the recipe I came up with, not nearly as delicious as the one I first had the pleasure of tasting but near enough to satisfy. Start by blitzing raw almonds with almond meal, hazelnut meal, a pinch of sea salt and medjool dates. Once this has formed a rough dough, squish firmly into the base and up the sides of a spring-form cake tin and place in the freezer. In the food processor, combine 2 large ripe avocados with good quality cacao, agave nectar, 2 dates and coconut sugar. When the mixture is velvety and smooth, spread over the base in an even layer and place back into the freezer. One this has set, blitz frozen mixed berries and pour over the tart, then back into the freezer. Once the berries have set in place, release the spring-form and remove the tart from the tin using a pallet knife and transfer to a serving plate. It is kindest to leave the tart to defrost a little and soften slightly to bare witness to the maximum creaminess obtainable. Nourishing served on its own or with good quality vanilla ice cream for a cheeky treat.

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