Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Importance of B Vitamins

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Importance:  Plays a key role in the body's metabolic cycle for generating energy; aids in the digestion of carbohydrates; essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles & heart; stabilises the appetite; promotes growth & good muscle tone.

Deficiency Symptoms: May lead to mental depression & constipation; weakness & feeling tired; nervous irritability; insomnia; the loss of appetite; paralysis &  loss of weight; vague aches & pains; heart & gastrointestinal problems.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Importance:  Necessary for carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism; aids in the formation of antibodies and red blood cells; maintains cell respiration; necessary for the maintenance of good vision, skin, nails & hair; alleviates eye fatigue; promotes general health.

Deficiency Symptoms: May result in sluggishness; itching and burning eyes; cracks and sores in the mouth & lips; bloodshot eyes; purplish tongue; dermatitis; retarded growth; digestive disturbances; trembling; oily skin. 

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)

Importance: Improves circulation and reduces the cholesterol level in the blood; maintains the nervous system; helps metabolize protein, sugar, & fat; reduces high blood pressure; increases energy through proper utilization of food; prevents pellagra; helps maintain a healthy skin, tongue & digestive system

Deficiency Symptoms: May result in mental depression, nervousness, irritability,  fatigue, insomnia, pellagra, gastrointestinal disturbance, headaches, vague aches & pains, loss of appetite, skin disorders, muscular weakness, indigestion, bad breath, canker sores

Pantothenic Acid  (Vitamin B5)

Importance: Participates in the release of energy from carbohydrates, fats & protein, aids in the utilization of vitamins; improves the body's resistance to stress; helps in cell building & the development of the central nervous system; helps the adrenal glands, fights infections by building antibodies

Deficiency Symptoms: May lead to restlessness, painful & burning feet, skin abnormalities, retarded growth, dizzy spells, digestive disturbances, vomiting, stomach stress, muscle cramps

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Importance:  Necessary for synthesis & breakdown of amino acids, the building blocks of protein; aids in fat and carbohydrate metabolism; aids in the formation of antibodies; maintains the central nervous system; aids in the removal of excess fluid of premenstrual women; promotes health skin; reduces muscle spasms, leg cramps, hand numbness, nausea & stiffness of hands; helps maintain a proper balance of sodium & phosphorous in the body. 

Deficiency Symptoms: May result in nervousness, insomnia, skin eruptions, loss of muscular control, anemia, mouth disorders, muscular weakness, dermatitis, arm & leg cramps, loss of hair, slow learning, and water retention.

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

Importance:  Necessary for DNA & RNA synthesis, which is essential for the growth and reproduction of all body cells; essential to the formation of red blood cells by its action on the bone marrow; aids in amino acid metabolism

Deficiency Symptoms: May result in gastrointestinal disorders, anemia, Vitamin B-12 deficiency, pre-mature gray hair.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Importance:  Helps in the formation & regeneration of red blood cells, thus helping prevent anemia; necessary for carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism; maintains a healthy nervous system; promotes growth in children; increase energy; needed for Calcium absorption.

Deficiency Symptoms: May lead to depression, tiredness, nervousness, pernicious anemia, poor appetite, growth failure in children, brain damage, neuritis, degeneration of spinal cord,  lack of balance.


Importance:  Aids in the utilization of protein, folic acid, Pantothenic acid, and Vitamin B-12, promotes healthy hair.

Deficiency Symptoms: May lead to depression, extreme exhaustion, drowsiness, loss of appetite, muscle pain,  grayish skin color.

PABA (Para Amino Benzoic Acid)

Importance: Aids healthy bacteria in producing folic acid; aids in the formation of red blood cells; contains sun screening properties; aids in the assimilation of Pantothenic acids; returns hair to its natural color.

Deficiency Symptoms: May cause depression, nervousness, extreme fatigue, irritability, eczema, constipation , headaches, digestive disorders, hair turning prematurely gray. 

Finding the Right B Complex

To get the most benefits from any of the B's, you need all of them, so start with a B-complex supplement that contains all 11. With the right B complex as a foundation, you can add larger amounts of individual B's depending on your health concerns.

The B's are best taken with food and early in the day, as they can cause nausea when taken on an empty stomach. (Vitamin B6 increases neurotransmitter activity; when taken late in the day, it can lead to increased dreaming, resulting in a restless night's sleep.)

There are striking differences in potencies among different brands of B-complex supplements. Labelling  methods vary, so read the fine print to know what you're getting. 

Good food sources include sunflower seeds and wheat germ (vitamin B6); fish and eggs (vitamin B6 and B12); cheese (B12); beans and walnuts (vitamin B6 and folate); leafy dark green vegetables; asparagus, almonds, and whole grains (folate); and liver (all three).

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