Thursday 25 July 2013

Baked Egg Hot Pot

At home, I’m definitely a sweet breakfast person. When I go out for breakfast however, it’s always the attractive egg dishes that appeal to me most, but alas, the story of my life, they’re usually laden with oil and cream and come with delicious bread, or otherwise are terribly uninspiring and lacklustre. My mission this morning was to create a savoury breakfast that left me satisfied and feeling included in the fancy egg breakfast club!

What I came up with is so simple, yet nourishing and heart-warming on this cold winter’s morning. I started with some leftover spinach and kale from last night’s dinner. To make this, fry off an onion and a couple of cloves garlic in coconut oil until golden, add 2 cans of organic tinned tomatoes and one cup vegetables stock. Leave to simmer while you de-stem and roughly shop 1 bunch spinach and 1 bunch kale.  Add these to the sauce with salt, freshly ground black pepper, chilli flakes and half a bunch chopped parsley. Once the kale and spinach have softened, take off the heat and add the juice of half a lemon and the rest of the fresh parsley. Another level of complexity can be added to the sauce with the addition of a roasted capsicum paste, which you can get from most good supermarkets.

If you are starting with leftover kale from the fridge, warm enough of the mixture in a small pot to fill whatever size ramekin you are using to serve the dish. Once heated through, spoon into the ramekin, making a well in the centre for the egg to nestle in. Crack a free range egg into the cosy hollow you’ve created for it, and place in an oven or under the grill until the egg is cooked through.  Top with a scattering of goats curd, any kind of dukkah mix (I used wattleseed and chilli), and some parsley. Serve with a wedge of lemon.

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