Wednesday 17 July 2013

Raw Chocolate Truffles

Eating raw food doesn’t mean missing out on deliciously rich sweets and desserts. These raw truffles are packed with nutritionally dense super foods, as well as tasting like nothing short of a voluptuous chocolate truffle.

Incorporate 1 ½ tsp maca powder, 1 tbsp cinnamon, 2 tbsp raw cacao powder, 10 medjool dates, 3 tbsp goji berries, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tsp agave syrup and ½ tsp coconut oil in a food processor until a soft dough forms. Roll into balls and refrigerate.

Raw cacao powder is derived from cold pressed cacao beans. It is packed with antioxidants (flavanols and polyphenols) and is a concentrated form of nutrients, especially magnesium and mood enhancing tryptophan and phenylethylamine.

Maca is a Peruvian root vegetable rich in protein, iron and calcium. It is renowned as a hormone balancer and as an aphrodisiac supporting the adrenal glands and increasing energy levels.

Goji berries are an extremely nutrient dense fruit, bursting with antioxidants, amino acids, trace minerals and energising B vitamins. They are also rich in polysaccharides and traditionally regarded as a longevity and immune supporting food.

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