Wednesday 17 July 2013

Green Juice

This clearing and cleansing green juice tastes delicious as well as being abundant in beneficial health promoting compounds.

4 leaves kale
1 whole cucumber with skin (of course!)
1 pear
A couple of stalks each coriander and mint
1 cup chilled coconut water

Greens are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, potassium, and iron. A cup of kale actually has more calcium than a cup of milk. As members of the cabbage family, kale exhibits the same sort of anti cancer properties which work primarily by increasing antioxidant defence mechanisms as well as improving the body's ability to detoxify and eliminate harmful chemicals and hormones.

Cucumbers are composed primarily of water, but also contain important minerals like silica, which is found in the skin. Silica contributes to the strength of connective tissue, which holds the body together. It includes the intracellular cement, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone. Without silica the connective tissue would not be properly constructed. Cucumber juice is also fantastic for improving the complexion and health of the skin.

Pears are an excellent source of water soluble fibre and contain an array of vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, niacin, copper, phosphorus, potassium and vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E. The pectin in pears is diuretic and can help flush the body of toxins. Pectin binds to fatty substances in the digestive tract and promotes their elimination.

Mint is a herb that has been used for hundreds of years for its remarkable medicinal properties. Some of its health benefits include soothing the digestive tract, cleansing the blood, eliminating toxins from the body and helping to clear up skin disorders. Coriander lowers blood sugar levels, aids in digestion, has anti-inflammatory properties, lowers bad cholesterol and rises good cholesterol, and is a great source of dietary fibre, iron and magnesium.

Coconut water is rich in electrolytes and minerals. It is a natural isotonic drink as the electrolyte levels are so similar to those found in the human body. Coconuts contain cytokinins which have significant anti-ageing, anti-carcinogenic and anti-thrombotic effects. It has anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, which boost the body's immune system.

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